Ready to Transition? Why this Season is not to be Missed
Sep 13, 2022Regardless of how you feel about the transition into fall, summer is quickly coming to an end. Personally, I look forward to the fall season. The colours of change take my breath away, and I'm most definitely a sweater-loving, cinnamon-enjoying, and warm Chai tea latte kinda photographer.
While many photographers are sitting on the edges of their seats, ready to run full speed into the outdoors as soon as the fall season explodes, I'm already out there looking for visual changes that can be captured during the summer to fall transition.
Transition is that period of time in nature when one season begins to fade into the next, and I think it's a fantastic time to get out for landscape photos. One of my favourite things to do during transitional periods is to look for contrasts.
Contracts in landscape photography come in many different forms. However, one of the biggest contrast between summer and fall is in colour. Move over lush greens. Those bold and brilliant colours of red and yellow are now beginning to steal the show!
ISO 64, 14.5mm, f14, 1/20sec
There's a ton of beautiful visual appeal when colours infuse contrast in landscape photography. So this summer, before fall explodes, head outdoors with your camera to look for those little signs of fall that will contrast with the elements of summer. You'll be glad you did!