Avoid Becoming Stuck This Year - Here's How

Jan 18, 2022

I want to see you embrace your interest in landscape photography with a passion that fills you with joy and improves your well-being. Photography can change your life in many positive ways. I know because I've experienced the benefits of photography beyond capturing the beauty within nature. 

Over the past few weeks, I've shared tips with you on how you can begin your photography journey this year with strength and success.

However, I see photographers losing traction in their journey from time to time. That spark for their passion becomes dampened, and notably, the words I hear are, "I'm stuck in a rut." 

Today I'm sharing a few ways a photographer can reignite the passion for photography if needed at some point this year. 

1. Talk a walk 

There are many times I've not felt motivated to head into nature. I admit there have been times I've forced myself to pick up my camera and leave my home. However, once I'm outdoors, I've never, not once, regretted my time in nature. 

If you're feeling stuck in your photography journey immersing yourself in nature is one of the most therapeutic actions you can take. I usually bring my camera with me, but it's not necessary. Sometimes taking the time to notice the way light falls through the trees or purposefully look for something unique without a camera in hand is exactly what a photographer needs to ignite that spark and move beyond a rut. 

2. Capture something outside of your everyday style on purpose

There's nothing more freeing than letting go of photography rules. Sometimes rules, both written or unwritten, that you've incorporated into your style of photography can hold you back and keep you feeling stuck. Here is some inspiration:

  • Try a Lensbaby
  • Rent a tilt-shift
  • Experiment with free lensing
  • Play with ICM (intention camera movement)
  • Capture intimate landscapes
  • Commit to using a different lens than your usual go-to for a full day
  • Use your cell phone

ISO 100, 14mm, f14, 30 seconds

3. Use this time to learn 

If you're anything like me, you have a tutorial you've downloaded that you never got to watching or reading. Learning can be an excellent way to spark inspiration when you're not feeling inspired to pick up your camera. 

If you're feeling up to it, self-critique can also be helpful if you're feeling stuck in your photography journey but be gentle with yourself. Critique can motivate and inspire you to focus on working towards small goals.  

4. Celebrate your accomplishments

There's nothing more satisfying than to look back through old images and see how far your technique and personal artistic style have come. 

You should always celebrate your accomplishments.

Save this article somewhere! This year if you're feeling uninspired, re-visit the suggestions written here. Remember that photography is a journey that ebbs and flows, and you will always be exactly right where you should be. Enjoy your journey as you grow into the photographer you want to be. 


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