Take better photographs

3 Tips That Will Help You Capture Better Images

Feb 16, 2021

Many of you already know that I've had a camera in my hand since I was a little girl, but it wasn't until I became a mother that my enjoyment for photography became an unquenchable passion. Shortly after I became a mother, I quickly realized the incredible speed at which my precious baby was growing and changing. I wanted desperately to capture the beautiful fleeting moments in my everyday life. So when I got my hands on my brand new DSLR camera, I was really excited because I thought I would suddenly be able to capture fantastic images of my dear little daughter. However, I was quickly disappointed. Those heart-tugging moments I longed to capture beautifully were not better with my new fancy camera compared to the images I had been taking with my point and shoot. 

Fast forward to today, and after almost fifteen years of learning and years of teaching other women photographers, I've learned a few lessons about how you can capture better images. Here are a few tips: 

1. Knowlege is far more valuable than photography gear

The more knowledge and comfort level one has when working with most mediums, the more likely success. I'm very passionate about this tip, as you likely know. As a photography teacher, my goal is to share knowledge with you to capture better photographs of your beautiful everyday moments. I was reminded recently while putting together learning materials how important it is to learn how to use your camera on manual mode and have a solid understanding of how to input the best settings and acquire the best exposure for your images. Our cameras have limitations. Often cameras cannot replicate a scene exactly as it looks. This can be disappointing; however, if we understand our camera's limitations, we can use it to our advantage and create images that look like how we want them to look. Knowledge is definitely power for photography and creating the photos you want to capture of your incredible memories. 

ISO 1000, 35mm, f2.5, 1/250SS

2. Learn the rules but don't be afraid to break them 

Photography rules are important because they'll help you capture the images you dream about. Over or underexposure of an image or blurry focus can result in a beautiful memory you were hoping to catch potentially becoming lost, so it's essential to learn the rules to capture your photographs. Knowing the rules also permits you to think about how you can break the rules, which opens you up to the creative potentials within the art of photography. Intentional under or overexposure, slow shutter speed, unique use of light, creative cropping, or unexpected composition can all infuse artistry within photographs. Once you are comfortable with photography rules, push yourself to think creatively about how you can break the rules and capture your beautiful moments with intentionally purposeful artistry. 

ISO 200, 35mm, f3.5, 1/1000SS

3. Always infuse yourself into your images

What exactly does it mean to infuse yourself into a picture? Good question! I have a psychology and sociology background, and I thoroughly enjoyed my post-secondary learning regarding the human mind and behaviour. Topics of human behaviour still fascinate me. One thing that has stuck with me from my university studies that can be applied to photography is that we view the world from behind our own unique layers of lenses. We all wear glasses of our history, culture, ethnicity, experience and life. Every day we see the world through these glasses. The way we see the world is unique to us. As you go about photographing your beautiful life, embrace your individuality and treasure your uniqueness. If you like more documentary photographs, then capture your images like that. If simple and clean frames speak to you, then photograph that way. Perhaps you prefer styled photos with beautiful props or desire to create digital composite art. Lean into who you are and nurture what you are drawn to. By doing so, you will discover your own beautiful, unique photographic style. 

ISO 200, 105mm, f2.8, 1/800SS

Capturing better images requires knowledge of the technique necessary to capture your images in the way you want, knowledge of the rules and how to break them and knowledge about yourself and what you want to see in your photos. Never underestimate the power of knowledge; it's the underlying secret to capturing the types of images your dream about and will take you far in capturing better photographs. 



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